WAIT! We Have A Special Offer For You!

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“My ‘Secret Bikini Belly
Weapon’ Helps You Strip Away
1.43 lbs of Stubborn Belly Fat
Every Single Day!”

The best part? You get a visibly flatter, firmer and
more attractive mid-section and there’s...

  • No starving yourself…
  • No long, boring workouts…
  • No grueling high-intensity exercise...

Hey it's Shawna again with just one more thing before you get started:

My #1 secret weapon for getting your belly ‘red carpet ready’ in 7 days flat...

You see, while My Bikini Belly switches OFF your “Menopause Molecules” and helps you SEE a flat and firm belly in only 21 days…

Sometimes you need to look your absolute best in a hurry yet you just don’t have a full 21 days to get in shape.

So what’s the answer? How can you achieve the belly you want without starving yourself silly or suffering through grueling workouts? Here’s the good news...

I’ve put together an accelerated results package for just that purpose.

It includes everything you need to RAPIDLY Strip Off Embarrassing Belly Flab in only 7 days so you look your absolute BEST ever for any special occasion.

Here's what you get instant access to today at a ridiculous 87% OFF when you upgrade your order to include the entire 7 Day Bikini Belly Blueprint:

7 Day Bikini Belly Rapid Results Workouts

My unique (and rather unusual) 7 Day Bikini Belly workout program contains several secret belly shrinking techniques and tricks for looking sexy and attractive in pictures, FAST.

These special movements melt away stomach fat so quickly the results will shock and delight you.

SHAWNA’S TIP: Got an upcoming wedding, party or vacation? Follow my blueprint 7 days before to ensure you look your absolute best!

7 Day Bikini Belly Rapid Results Cookbook

Stuffed full of delicious mouthwatering recipes designed to trigger your body’s automatic fat-burning switch, enabling you to melt away that spare tyre in just 7 days.

What’s amazing is… there’s so much tastebud-tantalizing FLAVOR in these recipes, and they are so SATISFYING, you won’t even notice you’re losing weight at the same time!

Many of my clients have told me following this plan along with the workouts accelerates in some cases DOUBLES the amount of fat loss.

7 Day Bikini Belly Rapid Results Meal Plans

The 7 Day Bikini Belly Blueprint Meal Plans are built to perfectly match the instructions inside the Bikini Belly Blueprint so you don't have to plan or think about anything.

Everything has already been done for you and laid out meal by meal in a easy to follow way so you can get started tonight.

A word of warning...

If you’re anything like my other clients, you’ll find it very tempting to keep using this protocol every single week.

Let me advise you NOT to do that. Here’s why:

It’s possible you could lose too much belly fat too fast. And that’s kind of a shock to the system so I really don’t recommend you do that.

Simply use the 7 Day Bikini Belly System before a wedding… prior to your vacation… or some important event for last-minute fat loss. It is NOT designed to be used continually.

If you want to lose as much belly fat as humanly possible in only 7 days and look your absolute best whenever you have a special occasion, then the 7 Day Bikini Belly Blueprint is definitely for you.

All you need to do is click the

“Add to My Order Now Please!” button you see below...

And I’ll upgrade your order to include the 7 Day Bikini Belly Blueprint today. You’ll get instant access to the entire package for 87% off the retail price.